Saturday, March 5, 2011

Am I Wierd

Am I wierd for not sending my children to tution classes. Waktu tengah sembang santai sebelum masuk mesyuarat, ada kekawan tanya hantar tusyen anak kat mana ? Bila jawapannya Anak I tak mau pi tusye!, depa tengok semacam, macam I'm so wierd, sebab jawapan sepatutnya ialah - I force my children pi tution class.

First of all I would rather force my children to wash their school shoes, tidy up their rooms, set meja makan and clean up after makan, daripada force them to go for tution. May be I'm wrong !

I would rather use phsychological approach than iron fist! After all dah banyak masa spend kat sekolah, bangun awal lagi as early as 5:40 am. I lebih rela depa rehat kat rumah, dari lepas sekolah terus ke tution class and not having enough time nak rest, silap hari bulan tertidur dalam kelas or kelas tusyen.

All studies and not enough play and rest may cram your childs head! I dont want my children to be a robot! I want them to have living skills as well!

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