Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Car-key My Car

Aduh, this is week memang mencabar betul. My has been given me signs but I dont understand him (my car), I thougt sometging wrong with his dashboard signals, for no reason the airbag is flashing!!, ofcourse nothing is wrong with the airbag, so when the engine light is flashing I have to change the 2 front tyres. Luckily one very good SP citizen noticed it (we thought he's making eyes at us (5 ladies)perasan kut!). Nasib baik belum masuk Tol SP Utara lagi, so I turned back and parked my car at IPD and took Ida's car. All 5 of us crammed in myvy. How come we didn't notice and feel, there's no more air in one of the tyres ! I thought may be we ladies tak perasan sangat kut (but the men said because the suspension is in good condition).
That was 3 weeks ago.

Last week, the signals kept showing the signal to stop with temperature raising, but on local roads only. Masa kat highway tak ada pun, so I thought kena bawa laju kut, coz when I'm speeding at 140 - 150km/hr tak ada signals pun. But since then I keep topping the water everyday, Hmm he's quite thirsty actually. Last week I have to up 250 ml. of water but on that fateful day, he's more thirsty, he drank about 1.5 l of water.

In the evening on the way back, while still in AS, rasa tak sedap driving coz felt quite heavy, and the temp at High, bila dah masuk highway at km 52.2 I stopped the car, sebab rasa tak selesa nak bawa. Luckily, I stopped in time sebab dia dah berasap coz air dah habis.

Tapi, luckily I and my frieds tak panic. So we waited biar dia sejuk sikit. ada mamat tengah buat double tracking nak tolong bubuh air, at the same time ada seorang hamba Allah yang berhenti. Terima kasih En. Sharifuddin dari Pejabat Perhutnan Sungai Petani, yang tumpangkan we all balik ke SP, walaupun dia duduk di Sik, kononya nak balik pejabat dulu, selepas kursus kat INSPIN. Terima kasih dik kerana tolong kakak-kakak ni, lupa pulak nak ambil contack no. (Tapi mamat double tracking tu tolong top up air tapi enjin tak reaaly sejuk lagi, so gaskett kereta I rosak). we tinggalkan my car there selepas PLUsronda letak cone. Tapi, actually I nak marah jyga dengan that PLUS man bila tengok semua perempuan, as if macam we dont take care of the. Tolong sikit ! I always take care of my car except signal tu crazy sikit!? (alasan!!)

So, I just left my car there, the next day nak pi tengok. Bila sampai SP Nisah lent me her KEmbara, automatik lagi, nasib baik pernah bawa kancil otomatik once !.I asked my brother to pick up Fathul Amin. (Hari rabu hari co-co). Bila Pak Long sampai Farah tak nak temanan Pak Long pick up Fathul Amin (she thought Pak Long came alone, malu lah tu !) so I picked up Fathul at 7:00 pm. Kesian dia, luckily Pak Guard sekolah tu kumpulkan those yang balik lambat tunggu dekat pondok jaga. terima kasih Pak Guard Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Gedong, SP kerana taking care of my son. I minta maaf dengan Fathul Amin sebab pick him lambat usually every wednesday ambik dia the latest pun pukul 6:30 pm. (usually he would call me at 6:20 pm.) Tapi Fathul amin only said "Its not your fault, Mak! Adik tak marah" thanks adik Mak rasa bersalah sangat sebab ambik Adik lambat.

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